In Egypt, the market for ceramic sanitaryware has been significantly influenced by an increase in construction and renovation activities. Increasing consumer demand for stylish and durable bathroom fixtures is driving market growth. Even though everything is more or less going smoothly, the ceramic sanitaryware market in Egypt does have some challenges, such as costs of raw materials, outdated manufacturing processes, and competition from low-cost imports. The good news is that there is support and assistance available to ensure that the sanitaryware market in Egypt continues to flourish. Government policies, for instance, focus on ensuring product quality and safety. Aside from this, the state is providing financial incentives for local manufacturers to adopt sustainable production practices and is encouraging research into innovative designs for sanitaryware to ensure the good work continues. Given the impetus provided by the government and the resilience and determination of the Egyptian ceramic sanitaryware market, Yogender Singh Malik’s insightful essay indicates the market is headed in the right direction and will continue to thrive.
The Bangladeshi government is continuing to demolish conventional brick kilns as well as those non-conventional brick kilns that operate in violation of government rules or without obtaining proper and regular approval from the government authorities in its attempts to modernise the production of bricks and other heavy clay products. To go one step further, the government will stop using unauthorised kiln-burnt bricks in construction projects from 2025 in order to implement the country’s already enacted ban on the production of bricks by such kilns. Jahir Ahmed believes such efforts must continue with earnestness and determination not only to prevent further environmental degradation in the South Asian country but also to ensure brick production moves towards the 21st century.
Over the past three decades, the ceramic industry has undergone a significant amount of change. A key factor in this evolution has been the development of digital printing. As a result of digital inks, old decoration systems have been replaced with a technology that provides greater flexibility in the process. Ceramic ink is transitioning from analogue to digital printing. The move from traditional to digital printing is taking place at an accelerated rate in many markets such as China, Brazil, and India. A special feature on ceramic inks and their major manufacturers in India is presented by Yogender Singh Malik.
South Korean tableware is known for its fine quality and long tradition of craftsmanship. Studies suggest South Korean consumers value elegant and aesthetically pleasing design in their tableware, sharing images of beautifully set tables frequently on social media. The country has a high demand for quality porcelain and bone china dinnerware, driven by the desire for stylish and functional dining products influenced by trends in home decor and lifestyle; in hotels, restaurants, and cafes too, bone china and fine porcelain products are commonly used. This explains why domestic manufacturers make these products for both the domestic and international markets. Jahir Ahmed believes that the tableware market in South Korea is a dynamic and rapidly evolving industry, which demonstrates the country’s ability to blend traditional craftsmanship and modern consumer trends.
Having systematically exploited its large clay deposits and followed strict quality control standards in compliance with ISO 9001, Stephan Schmidt Group has established itself as one of the world’s most significant manufacturers of raw materials for ceramics, refractories, additives, fillers, special-purpose building materials and horticultural products. As part of an exclusive interview with Asian Ceramics, Stephan Schmidt, managing partner of Stephan Schmidt Group, discusses how the company plans to expand in the future, as well as his outlook for the firm’s growth.
In closing, Asian Ceramics team wishes all our readers, advertisers, contributors and well-wishers a very happy and successful 2025.
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