Inside the most recent issue...

Asian Ceramics

Analysis of Asia’s ceramic tile market

Asia has dominated the global ceramic industry for the last two decades. A critical analysis of the ceramic tile market in Asia by Yogender Singh Malik…..

Raw materials: zircon demand and supply

A growing ceramic industry and new uses for zircon will cause demand for the material to outpace supply in the near future, writes Rohan Gunasekera…..

Asian roofing tiles

Housing and construction activities in Asia are fuelling the clay roof tile market. An analysis of this exponential growth is presented by Jahir Ahmed…..

The rush for Africa

Africa has 54 countries and is thriving with youthful energy and enthusiasm. As this continent continues to grow, Yogender Singh Malik examines future prospects..…

Ceramic industry in Pakistan

Pakistan is the second-largest country in South Asia and has a favourable demographic profile making it an important ceramic market. A growing population and rapid urbanisation will benefit the ceramic industry, says Yogender Singh Malik..…

State Profile: Himmatnagar

One of Gujarat’s largest ceramic production clusters, Himmatnagar is located about 80 km away from the capital Gandhinagar..…


Asia Materials Resources Limited


Kaolin AD

Also in the issue…

Talking Shop

VESCO’s chief commercial officer, Dmitry Kostornichenko, discusses the company’s business outlook and the impact of the ongoing Ukrainian-Russian conflict in an exclusive interview with Asian Ceramics…..

Insider View

In response to the US pulling back the drawbridge from the subcontinent, Andy Skillen, Asian Ceramics special correspondent, ponders whether such economic pressure on a key ally is, at best, shortsighted……


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